Wood Types
Solid Hardwood Flooring
Recomended for natural beauty and resell
value.Solid Hardwood floors are cut from
a wood log into a solid plank and tounge
and grooves are milled on all four sides.
They range from 5/16 to 3/4in thickness
and come in various widths and random lengths.
Solid Hardwoods are commonly job-site finished
but can be pre-finished at the factory and
sold in full cartons.
Engineered Hardwood Flooring
Recomended for dimensional stability Engineered
Hardwood flooring consists of several thin
wood plies glued together under heat and
pressure. The top ply of an engineered plank
is called the finish layer( wear layer of
actual hardwood) and could be any species
at the factory. Available in smooth finish
and a variety of distressing or handscrapes.
Acrylic Impregnated
Recomended for commercial use. A pre-finished
product thats high pressure treated to force
acrylic and color into the pores throughout
thickness of wood, creating an extremely
hard surface. These floors are highly resistant
to abrasion and moisture and can be used